At this stage, we see a lot of physical, mental, and emotional changes in younglings. Minds at this young age group are curious, If they look at it and it seems fun to them, they will definitely want to give it a try so the majority of this age group will enjoy experiencing something new. They enjoy discovering what their body can and can’t do with the help of making shapes. With t

Our programs at this age group include lots of interactive sessions with music, activities, interactive stories, and yoga games. The session is delivered with the help of various props and other mindful tools in order to keep the session engaging and instill creativity in kids.

We carefully curated the flow of the session in order to accommodate the four values in our teachings Connect, Analyse, Empathise and Grow. We help the younglings to connect with the surroundings, nature, and with themselves. Then, we give them the direction to slowly analyze what is going around them, we help them ask the right set of questions. Empathy is the quality that bound us all in the testing times of pandemic. Our methodologies ensure that this value is sown in the right way for it to reap accordingly. At last, by following the above principles and principles of yoga we achieve the holistic growth of an individual.